Children access assemblies daily, some are in the classroom and others take part in the school hall with a Key Stage phase.
Picture News Assembly
Each week we have a different focus with our assemblies using Picture News to explore British Values and themes locally, nationally and across the world. Children are given opportunities to learn about themselves and the world in which we live in. As children ask questions they are given a voice and we encourage them to talk about things they are inspired by or feel passionately about. The resources we use, from Picture News, encourage our children to develop confidence, independence, respect and resilience. We belive it is important for children to access maps, news from around the world and to understand the UN Rights of the Child.
Find out more about Picture News at
Safeguarding Assembly
Each week themes are chosen with a focus on understanding the word safeguarding - guarding children to keep them safe. Our assemblies are a combination of both planned and to any concerns that we may have within school, the community or news items. We encourage children to use correct words and be confident to understand and explain the importance of this topic. Resources, which are age appropriate, are carefully chosen when understanding key topics.
Pupil Voice
Children are given opporrtunity in their classes to talk about topics that are important to them, that allow them to ask questions to debate and be part of decisions made in the school.
There are many benefits for children to sing as a community and in small groups:-
- it makes you feel better
- It enhances lung function
- It helps you to clear you mind and relax
- It helps improve memory
- It builds a sense of community
- It lets you express yourself
- It can boost confidence
We give children opportuntiy to sing together with their peers and learn new songs in each assembly attended
Pitch and Celebration Assembly
Each week we celebrate the achievements of our children with three individual awards in each class as children spend time with the head teacher and deputy headteacher to celebrate being a positive influence and role model to others.
Children are chosen by their teacher for the Head teacher Award, an award given to a child who has made real progress in their learning or they have stood out for a particular reason in their class. Children receive a pencil, a certificate and have opportunity to visit our school celebration area to choose a reward - a book, a magazine or puzzle.
We also give an award for behaviour where a child in each class is chosen for being Ready, Respectful and Safe, our core principles for good behaviour. Children across school receive a special hot chocolate and come together to talk about their achievements. The reward is to recognise those children who always go 'above and beyond.'
Attendance Heroes are really important to us, each week celebrating children for a particular reason, this may be for excellent attendance, being in school on time or improved attendance.
Children will get opportunity to wear a t-shirt to celebrate each of the individual awards given in school, giving opporutnity for others to see their successes and to celebrate achievements.
As awards are given for individual recognition, work from classes is celebrated through our Pitch Assembly. Each class has the opportunity to pitch for 1 minute to the head teacher and their peers presenting what makes them the best class in school. Children are encouraged to share work they are proud of, to explain how something works, and how their work this links to our ready, respectful, safe behaviour policy. We love to see the creativity in their approach.
Lyfta Assembly
Once a week the children meet to build their cultural understanding. We use a digital platform to move around the world, looking at the lives of many different cultures, the opportunities in different areas of the world and the children can view the landscapes of these different countries. We use this information to compare and contrast to our own lives. We do this with the children to build their understanding of the world around them and to broaden experiences and understanding of differing cultures, beliefs, religious festivals and general day-to-day life.