Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club
08.00 - 08.40 Monday - Friday
Each day we offer lots of nutritious and delicious food for our children to choose for breakfast, provided by the Greggs Foundation. Each morning we provide a selection of food for breakfast such as: cereals, toast (choice of topping) fresh fruit juice, fruit, milk, yoghurt and crumpets.
Breakfast Club is held in the school hall with a maximum capacity of 120 places. The club starts at 08.00 accessed by the main school entrance on Littlemoor Lane. Please note, there is no adult supervision before this time, children should arrive at school only 5 minutes before breakfast club opens.
The maximum 120 places are allocated on a first come, first served basis, we ask that booking is completed as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. The Breakfast Club is very popular and we ask that your children attend Breakfast Club every morning that they are in school. If your child does not attend Breakfast Club and they are in school, their place may be revoked and allocated to another child on the waiting list. Exceptional circumstances will be considered, please contact school to discuss this with a member of the office team.
Greggs ask for a commitment from volunteers to help in Breakfast Club. If you, or any family and friends are willing to spare some time to help with our breakfast club, please contact the office team.