Local Governing Body
Welcome to Balby Central Primary Academy Local Governing Body
The Local Governing Body is made up of parents of children in the school, staff and representatives of the local community. All members are volunteers and they give their time, knowledge and expertise freely to support the school in providing the best education for all children.
A Governing Body’s overriding responsibility is to work in partnership with the Headteacher to promote and ensure continuous strategic improvement in the performance of the school and to hold the school to account for its standards, progress and well-being of all children. They scrutinise activities which are involved in the running of the school including engagement with parents and carers, academic progress, financial management, staffing, sites and premises. Governors are there to be a ‘critical friend’ to provide the right balance between supporting and challenging the performance of both the Headteacher and the school.
Parent Governors are important in achieving an effective and well-balanced Governing Body. They are elected by parents of children in the school and are vital as representatives of the parents and carers of our school community. Any appointment is subject to an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.
We value the voluntary contribution made by our governors and recognise the importance of investing in training which includes safeguarding, induction for new governors, updates from Rose Learning Trust and The National Governance Association and access to National College.
Get to know our Governors
Click on the 'Meet our Governors' page to find out more about each person including their role within the governing body, and their personal experiences.
Details of our Local Governing Body structure
Minutes of the meetings are available upon request. Please contact:
Chair of Governors
Balby Central Primary Academy
Littlemoor Lane,
Balby, Doncaster,
South Yorkshire,
Tel: 01302 321914
Email: admin@balbycentralprimary.co.uk
Rose Learning Trust Governance and Finance
Finance Information The Rose Learning Trust Financial Information
Role of Trustees and Governance Information The Rose Learning Trust Governance