Developing Excellence Plan

Our Developing Excellence Plan provides the framework and priorities for school improvement over a three year period 2023- 2026.

Our four key priority areas are:-

Excellent teaching for every child
Excellent curriculum for every child
Excellent standards of behaviour, attitudes, attendance and safeguarding
Excellent targeted support for every child that needs it


Within these four areas we have specific objectives wihch provide the detail for our areas of improvement. The long term strategy is developed using a robust framework to set priorities and to monitor. We celebrate our strengths, aim to develop and build further. We work with stakeholders as a team to ensure the Developing Excellence Plan is driven by school improvement and the vision for our children, to improve the provision and outcomes for our children. DEP.png   







Balby Central Primary Academy

Littlemoor Lane, Balby Doncaster DN4 0LL

Balby Central Primary Academy, Littlemoor Lane, Balby Doncaster DN4 0LL


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